Below are the set of APIs that the SDK uses.
In order to use the following APIs you will first need to get an API key from the dashboard.
These APIs are used during driver initialization.
Used to pre-load models used within the given test.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
os | True | String | The OS version string to indicate OS type and version. |
sdk_version | True | String | String indicating which version number of the SDK is being used. |
language | True | String | String indicating which programming language this is being called from. |
test_case_name | True | String | The name of the given test case. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
message | False | String | The server message of any error. |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'os': platform.platform(),
'sdk_version': '0.0.0',
'language': sys.version,
'test_case_name': 'My awesome test case'
requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/ping', json=data)
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
const { message, success } = await sdk.createCheckIn("My Awesome Test Case");
Coming soon.
These routes are used to help pre-populate model data for an existing element.
Adds the bounding box coordinates for the element on a given screen. This is useful so the user doesn't need to manually draw the bounding box on the screenshot on the dashboard.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
label | True | String | The name of the element for the given screenshot.. |
screenshot_uuid | True | String | The MD5 hash of the base64 image string. |
x | True | Float | The x coordinate, in pixels, of the upper left corner of the bounding box in the image. |
y | True | Float | The y coordinate, in pixels, of the upper left corner of the bounding box in the image. |
width | True | Float | The width, in pixels, of the bounding box. |
height | True | Float | The height, in pixels, of the bounding box. |
retrain | False | Boolean | String indicating which programming language this is being called from. |
test_case_name | False | String | The name of the given test case. |
multiplier | False | Float | The screendensity to page size. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
message | True | String | The server message of any information. |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
import base64
with open('screenshot.png') as image_file:
b64_screenshot = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
screenshot_uuid =hashlib.md5(b64_screenshot).hexdigest()
data = {
'screenshot_uuid': screenshot_uuid,
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'label': element_name,
'x': elem.rect['x'],
'y': elem.rect['y'],
'width': elem.rect['width'],
'height': elem.rect['height'],
'test_case_name': 'My awesome test case'
response = requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/add_action_info', json=data)
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
import crypto from "crypto-js";
function getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot) {
const hashDigest = crypto.MD5(b64Screenshot).toString();
return hashDigest;
// Note: You will need to implement getting the screenshot
// from your framework.
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
const screenshotId = getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot);
const element = {
x: element.x,
y: element.y,
width: element.width,
height: element.height,
const { message, success } = await sdk.updateTestElement(
"My awesome test case",
Coming soon.
Check if the given screenshot has already been backed up by the backend.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
screenshot_uuid | True | String | The MD5 hash of the base64 image string. |
label | True | String | Name of the element that we wish to get the bounding box for. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
message | True | String | The server message of any information. |
is_frozen | True | Boolean | Indicate if the system is accepting additional screenshots for this label. |
exists_screenshot | True | Boolean | Indicates if this screenshot hash is already existing on the server, thus no need to re-upload it. |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
import base64
with open('screenshot.png') as image_file:
b64_screenshot = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
screenshot_uuid =hashlib.md5(b64_screenshot).hexdigest()
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'screenshot_uuid': screenshot_uuid,
'label': element_name
response = requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/exists_screenshot', json=data)
screenshot_exists = response.json()['exists_screenshot']
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
import crypto from "crypto-js";
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
function getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot) {
const hashDigest = crypto.MD5(b64Screenshot).toString();
return hashDigest;
// Note: You will need to implement getting the screenshot
// from your framework.
const screenshotId = getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot);
const {
} = await sdk.getIfScreenshotExists(screenshotId, elementName);
Coming soon.
Upload the given screenshot to the backend to be used for training and backup purposes.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Description |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
screenshot_uuid | True | String | The MD5 hash of the base64 image string. |
screenshot | True | String | Base64 string of the screenshot. |
label | True | String | Name of the element that we wish to get the bounding box for. |
test_case_name | False | String | The name of the given test case. |
is_interactive | False | Boolean | Indicating if the given screenshot is from an interactive test case. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
message | True | String | The server message of any information. |
screenshot_uuid | False | String | The MD5 hash of the last screenshot. |
These routes are used during the execution of a test case to identify elements and status on the server.
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
import base64
with open('screenshot.png') as image_file:
b64_screenshot = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
screenshot_uuid =hashlib.md5(b64_screenshot).hexdigest()
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'screenshot_uuid': screenshot_uuid,
'screenshot': b64_screenshot,
'label': element_name,
'test_case_name': 'My awesome test case'
response = requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/upload_screenshot', json=data)
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
import crypto from "crypto-js";
function getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot) {
const hashDigest = crypto.MD5(b64Screenshot).toString();
return hashDigest;
// Note: You will need to implement getting the screenshot
// from your framework.
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
const screenshotId = getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot);
const response = await sdk.uploadTestElementScreenshot(
"My awesome test case"
Coming soon.
Check the given screenshot for the element. Core method to get the element from the screenshot.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
screenshot | True | String | Base64 string of the screenshot. |
label | True | String | Name of the element that we wish to get the bounding box for. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
label | True | String | The name of the label. |
is_frozen | True | Boolean | The server message of any information. |
predicted_element | True | Dictionary | The server message of any information. |
score | True | Float | The confidence of the prediction (0-1.0). |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
import base64
import requests
with open('screenshot.png', 'rb') as image_file:
b64_screenshot = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8')
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'screenshot': b64_screenshot,
'label': element_name
response = requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/detect', json=data).json()
if response['success']:
element_box = response['predicted_element']
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
const {
} = await sdk.classifyObject(
"My test case name"
Coming soon.
Check if the given element name is accepting additional training data. This is used to check before wasting time and bandwidth taking + uploading a screenshot.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
label | True | String | Name of the element that we wish to get the bounding box for. |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
label | True | String | The name of the label. |
is_frozen | True | Boolean | The server message of any information. |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'label': element_name
response = requests.post('https://smartdriver.dev-tools.ai/check_frozen', json=data)
is_frozen = response.get('is_frozen', True)
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
const { is_frozen, label, success } = await sdk.getIfFrozen(elementName);
Coming soon.
Interactive Mode
Routes used to enable interactive mode where a user can fix any selectors where there is no existing model for.
Route to check if a given screen has now been clasisifed on the server side.
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Content-Type : application/json
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
api_key | True | String | The API key of the given user. |
label | True | String | Name of the element that we wish to get the bounding box for. |
screenshot_uuid | True | String | The MD5 hash of the screenshot sent to the server. |
run_classifier | False | Boolean | Wait for the classifier to be trained and executed on the screenshot before getting bounding box (default: False). |
Key | Required | Type | Desscription |
success | True | Boolean | Was the request successful. |
message | True | String | The server message of any error. |
predicted_element | True | JSON | The JSON object representing the bounding box of the element. |
score | True | Float | The prediction score for the given element on the screenshot. Used in debugging. |
- Python
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Ruby
import base64
import time
with open('screenshot.png') as image_file:
b64_screenshot = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
screenshot_uuid =hashlib.md5(b64_screenshot).hexdigest()
data = {
'api_key': "??API_KEY??",
'label': element_name,
'screenshot_uuid': screenshot_uuid
user_labeled_element = False
while user_labeled_element:
r = requests.post(self.url + '/testcase/get_action_info', json=data, verify=False).json()
# Has the element been classified by the user? If so get the element back
if r['success']:
user_labeled_element = True
element_box = r['predicted_element']
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
import { createSDK } from "@devtools-ai/js-sdk";
import crypto from "crypto-js";
const sdk = createSDK({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" });
function getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot) {
const hashDigest = crypto.MD5(b64Screenshot).toString();
return hashDigest;
// Note: You will need to implement getting the screenshot
// from your framework.
const screenshotId = getScreenshotHash(b64Screenshot);
const { message, predicted_element, score, success, tc_url } =
await sdk.getTestCaseBox(
"My Awesome Test Case",
Coming soon.